“I was nervous to start working out with a personal trainer. In the past anytime I would workout my knee hurt, my low back hurt, and my neck would tweak. Jeremy took the time to focus our workouts on those areas for the first two months. He built my foundation and now we are working out focusing on my goals and I feel great after workouts.”

This was awesome to hear from my personal training client a few weeks ago (and that he was telling coworkers about it!). He came to me with the typical fitness goals and was ready mentally to get right into the workouts. He did have some concerns about how his body would feel since he stopped being active a few years ago and the reason he stopped was because he kept getting hurt.

I told him I would not allow that to happen this time. We were going to take our time while still making progress but all while making sure his body felt better and moved better before increasing any intensity variables. This took months and it is still a work in progress. Now though his body is more stable, doesn’t hurt after training sessions, and 2 days later he is always feel energized and ready for another workout.

I understand that people want to get right into the workouts that will get them the best results right away. But if you spend years not being active or if you spend years being active in 1 single activity your body can not just flip a switch and train at high intensities. We need to work together to unravel some of those weaknesses, tightness, imbalances, habits, ect. I promise it will feel better and then your “goal oriented” high intensity workouts will feel better too!

“I was able to go on vacation with my kids and had 0 back pain and never got tired or sore. We took a 12-13 hour flight, did a lot of walking, and daily we went on hikes in the mountains.”

This was an awesome success story from one of my personal training clients I have worked with for a little less than a year now.

This client did not have a weight loss goal, performance goal, strength goal, or muscle building goal. Their goal was, at 45 years old, to stop tweaking their back (pain/spasms), stop having random ankle injuries, stop having shoulder pain, and to just limit injuries as they age. With this type of goal we started personal training sessions with 3 days a week, then 2 days a week, to now 1 day a week and a few maintenance sessions. They do a great job of staying active on their own and at home so we can focus on the little things and a few things I can teach them to do on their own.

That is what I love doing with each client and why it is actually “personal training”. Physical activity can have many benefit and goals so together we figure out what you need and how I can help and build a plan from there!

“Less than two months working with Jeremy and I feel stronger, my posture has improved, I have lost 5lbs, and dropped a few pant sizes! I am so excited to keep building on the progress.”

This success story comes from a new personal training client who has only been reassed one time so far (2 months of working together). 

They were physically active prior to covid, but newer to resistance training sessions. Right away we were on the same page to start slow by building a very strong foundation prior to focusing on fitness goals. They fully committed to the small details and taking short steps in the beginning. 

We just now are ready to start transitioning out of what I consider the foundational phase. These are now when changes and fitness goals are suppose to actual start happening. But from this client’s commitment and focus as you can read they already started having progress. 

Now that we have all their new measurements after our first reassessment I am really excited to see how his body responds to workouts geared to making physical changes to his body. Our first goal was simply preparing his body to train, relieve any imbalance pain, and improve posture. Now it is time for us to get to work on his next goals! 

Jeremy is an amazing personal trainer. He first helped me reach my goal weight. Then he helped me build muscle. Now he has me feeling stronger. I never thought I would be in my 60s carrying 60lbs, squatting 50lbs, and pressing 40lbs!

This client came to me for personal training sessions wanting to lose a little weight but her main goal was actually to get over the fear of falling. She knew her balance was getting worse and her friends had all recently had significant falls leading to broken bones.

We took our time to first build her confidence moving and her balance in every day positions.

Then we focused on her weight loss to help alleviate some low back and knee pain.

Then for the last few months we changed the focus to making her stronger and her body more resilient (injury resistant).

She takes care of the details like showing up, regular walks outside, and nutrition. Now she is lifting weights 2-3 times a week and moving more weight than a lot of people I see daily at the gym.

Super impressive! Very proud to be her personal trainer.

“Jeremy was recommended to me for his thoroughness with clients. His assessment was awesome and exactly what I needed”

Many of my new clients referred to me with past or present injuries and limitations. It does mean the process starts slow and takes time to build. But when clients understand that, it is really cool to see how encouraged they get. First feeling more confident in their daily physical activity, then feeling better with less pain/discomfort, and then feeling stronger while changing their body composition as well. Unlike many others, my fitness assessment is not free but it is also not just a way to get someone in the door for a sales pitch. Unlike many others, my assessment is not intended to make you exhausted or really sore just to say “clearly you are unfit and need me”. My assessment is so I can provide you with information about your own body, collect information so I can be more prepared for future workouts with you or exercise program building, and lastly data we can track together so we know your progress. From that assessment my clients make the decision on what plan or style of training is best for them!

“Jeremy has made me feel stronger and more confident. Training with him has also made my knees feel better. I brag about him to all my friends!”

This review came from a client who has always been active but never did any resistance training. Her doctor a year ago told her to start adding some 2-3 days a week for her overall health.

When we first met she was nervous about having no gym experience and she was scared how her knees would feel.

From there we sat down and created a 12 month plan. 4 months of building a foundation, increasing her coordination, getting her comfortable lifting weights, and mixing in some basic rehab exercises for her knees. Then 6 months of gradually increasing her intensity and focusing on some overall strength, hypertrophy, and continuing knee rehab. These last 2 months the workouts remained the same but we slowly transitioned her into working out alone and less with me.

She has reached a goal weight and now her knees are pain free. Her confidence and accountability working out alone are great and now our plan is to continue with sessions only 1-2 times a month to check in.

To me as a trainer not every client needs to have sessions multiple times a week. Teaching my clients how to maintain their success on their own with some occasional assistance is just as exciting as clients who work with me every step of the way to reach their goals.

Check out more success stories, diet and workout tips, and training motivation on my Instagram account @jeremy_paprocki_

“Since getting back on track with Jeremy I have lost 12lbs. Even better the herniated disc in my back never gives me any problems anymore.”

This review was submitted by a client I started working with over 5 years ago. Together we were able to get her into amazing shape. Then like many fitness journeys she hit some struggles during covid. After that her mother became very ill and she was the one who took care of her. During that time her nutrition and physical activity was getting worse and worse. Unfortunately, her mother passed and then my client went through months of depression while also having to move all of her mother’s belongings. To make things worse she then herniated a disc in her back moving boxes nightly after work.

Once we were able to reconnect and create a new plan we started very slow. Shifting our focus to improve her back pain and strengthen that area, with mixing in some things to aid her weight loss goals again.

Now she is back lifting more weight than ever before, her nutrition is great and balanced, she is walking her dog nightly, and has no more back pain!

Check out more success stories, diet and workout tips, and training motivation on my Instagram account @jeremy_paprocki_

“You have helped me track my weight, track my diet, and focus on getting my bra fat smaller”

This was a new successful client goal for me to check off.

Typically with clients I do not ask them about specific spot reduction areas they want to improve on their bodies. (Too unpredictable and doesn’t make much sense).

But of course after seeing them weekly for months and as they start to hit some short term goals I learn more about how they view their bodies and changes they want to see.

They all know before even telling me they want to target their belly, or hips, or chest, or arm “fat” that it doesn’t work that way. Once I know they have a healthy diet and workout routine I do let them start discussing these specific areas and it is always interesting to hear where and why they are focused on such specific spots.

I must say, this was a first. But the smile she had on her face after weeks of telling me her weight was dropping but that “one spot” was not changing was still great to see. If those realistic small changes keeps her motivated and progressing I am all for supporting her fitness goals.

Check out more success stories, diet and workout tips, and training motivation on my Instagram account @jeremy_paprocki_