Success Stories + Tips

Jeremy Paprocki, Certified Personal Trainer

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Make sure to be aware of these 4 things while on a semaglutide and being physically active!

1 – Semaglutides help you lose weight by being in a calorie deficit. Being physically active in a calorie deficit will feel different compared to when you’re in a calorie surplus or maintenance phase. Training while in a calorie deficit should look different as well.

2 – Protein intake is even more important. While losing weight and being physically active we want to maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible, so keeping your protein intake high is important. Also, this will aid in recovery from the physical activity.

3 – Metabolism and digestion slow down. This means if you typically eat snacks 1 hour before being active/training or a meal 2-3 hours before, you may need to make adjustments. Since your digestion is slowing down you may need to consume food more like 2-4 hours before.

4 – Mood is impacted as well. This may lead to changes in how you feel before, during, and after physical activity compared to what it previously felt like.

While on a semaglutide you NEED to be physically active or maintain your activity level. This also means you may need to start a little slower or take a few steps back in your training to make some adjustments. Your body may feel different and recover differently, so have patience and make the proper adjustments to your training days.