This review was submitted by a client I started working with over 5 years ago. Together we were able to get her into amazing shape. Then like many fitness journeys she hit some struggles during covid. After that her mother became very ill and she was the one who took care of her. During that time her nutrition and physical activity was getting worse and worse. Unfortunately, her mother passed and then my client went through months of depression while also having to move all of her mother’s belongings. To make things worse she then herniated a disc in her back moving boxes nightly after work.
Once we were able to reconnect and create a new plan we started very slow. Shifting our focus to improve her back pain and strengthen that area, with mixing in some things to aid her weight loss goals again.
Now she is back lifting more weight than ever before, her nutrition is great and balanced, she is walking her dog nightly, and has no more back pain!
Check out more success stories, diet and workout tips, and training motivation on my Instagram account @jeremy_paprocki_